What type of paper rolls do I need?

POS Now supplies a few types of paper rolls; Thermal paper rolls, lint free bond paper rolls, wet strength paper rolls.

Thermal paper rolls

Thermal paper rolls are used for general purpose receipt printing. Thermal paper rolls are similar to traditional fax papers and they do not require ink.

The paper reacts to heat applied by a thermal receipt paper to create text and images on the paper.
Product: 80mm x 80mm x 12mm Thermal Paper Rolls

Lint Free Bond Paper Rolls

Bond paper rolls are usually used for kitchen docket printing. They are used by dot matrix papers where ink ribbons are required.
They are not sensitive to oil and heat and therefore ideal for the kitchen.
Product: 76mm x 76mm x 12mm Lint free Bond Paper Rolls

Wet Strength Bond Paper Rolls

Wet Strength Bond Paper Rolls are mostly used by dry cleaners and other applications that are exposed to water and other liquids.
The paper can be soaked in water.
Product: 76mm x 76mm x 12mm Wet Strength Bond Paper Rolls